Friday, October 31, 2008

Especially for Eric

This is for Eric!!

Four on the Green!

Well, here's something we've never seen or done before! We were golfing with our friends Meg and Bob at the Sandhill Executive course, first hole. If you look closely, you can see FOUR balls ON the green! Yes, we ALL hit the green with our first shot. We all thought it was necessary to record this historic moment with a picture!

This week Jim cut down the hibiscus bush at the corner of our porch. Wow, what a difference it makes in how light the porch is! Here are two pictures -- one taken before (it's the big bush on the left corner of the house) and one after it was cut back.....and we're going to cut it back even more, almost to the ground, like it was cut last year. They grow FAST!!

Well, Gus is getting braver....the squirrel was out in the hibiscus bush (before Jim cut it down!) and Gus actually went right up to the screen....

This cart was parked next to us at the golf course last week.....thought you'd get a kick out of it...

Can you read what it says? Harley Davision! And here's a closeup of the dash area....

On our way to golf on Wednesday, we passed Lake Miramar, and the remote sailboaters were doing their thing......pretty sight!

Until we get the hide-a-bed moved out of the den/sewing area, I am going to do my cutting for sewing out on the porch -- it has a nice bright light at night, and great light during the day. I finally got the embroidery machine out this week and am embroidering the pillowcases I sold at the craft show, as well as a few things for family...

Wow, the tangelos are really getting big and healthy looking! They are starting to turn orange...but they won't sweeten up until we have a good frost, probably mid-December.

And here's the last little gem for this post.....when we filled up with gas the other day this gentleman was ahead of us....reminded us of the U. P. where the snowmobiles drive up to the gas pumps too!! (incidentally, gas is around $2.25 per gallon down here...what is it up north?)

Okay, that's enough for one day!! I'll be looking for your comments on this blog!
Love ya


Thursday, October 30, 2008

For Care Group Review

Here are three videos I took earlier tonight....above, a few pictures of the women before dinner....sorry guys, I didn't get out on the porch to take some of you!

Thanks Jerry and Wanda, it was a fun time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amanda HANSON and Evan Bergman

Well, here is the picture of Amanda and Evan that was in the weekly supplement to our local Daily Sun. It was published while we were in Michigan in September. Unfortunately, they gave Amanda a new maiden name -- Sandefer. But she's still just as beautiful and he is absolutely handsome!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Starting out the week of October 19....

Well, here we are, alive and well tonight....waiting for Amazing Race to come on....

Tangerines are beginning to turn color....

There will be LOTS of them again this year!!

This is one of the stems of my "shrimp" plant....the flowers are each about 6 inches long...

This hibiscus grows by our cart has a double flower that's very pretty, sometimes have a deep rose center.

This is what we saw tonight on our way home from golf....this is the scene at the bottom of the cart bridge....all those birds are what our friend Gail called "Florida Chickens." The water is Lake Paradise.

This is my friend Tina -- I bowled with her and her husband Don a couple of years on a league. They are in their late 30's, but live here in The Villages. His mom is married to Bob Chamberlain, who is a professional bowler, and they also live here in The Villages. He (Bob) just bowled the best series of his career a few weeks ago...I think it was 890 or something close. (A perfect series would be 900.)

Well, this is all the Halloween decorating we're doing! Here are two views of our little ghosts along our front walkway.

Have a wonderful week!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keeping in touch.....

Wow, did we have a harvest moon on Wednesday night! It really lit up the sky! If you look closely, underneath the moon (peeking between the branches of our live oak tree) you can see our neighbor's big truck. Was just waiting for ghosts and goblins to appear! Haha.

Well, some Villagers really go all out for Halloween. I wonder what they'd have for us if we went trick-or-treating on halloween night!! Note the big guy in the tree! They have him spot-lighted at night and he looks pretty mean!

Okay, I promised more pictures of the Golden Raintree....well, this is the final stage, when the yellow parts turn to red seed pods.

This one still had a little yellow in it....they were most beautiful when there was a lot of all three colors, green, yellow, and pink.

We pass this one when we're on our way to the cart has been fun to watch it in its different stages.
Well, this morning I made our reservations on Spirit Air to fly home for a couple of weeks at Christmastime. We will arrive in Detroit at supper time on Tuesday, December 16th. Tom will pick us up, and we may be able to have the use of their car while we're home, as they may be spending Christmas in Florida. We would appreciate any input from you as to when it would be best to spend time with you......gosh, we have six families to visit (Hamilton's, Hulyk's, Bergman's, Bryant's, Little's, and Hanson's), all in different cities, plus friends, so we will have to figure out the best way to do it!! And pray for good driving weather.
We will ride back with Glenn and Ilene in their motor home -- they have their lot (at Recreation Plantation RV Park close to The Villages) reserved from Jan. 1 to March 31. We're looking forward to that, it will be fun!! I've never traveled in a motor home, so it will be a new experience!
I've been really depressed about getting all my sewing and office stuff organized and in place! I haven't even set up the machine(s) yet. But yesterday I bought a small chest of drawers that will help alot, and today I have my energy and determination back, as I'm arranging the closet and chest to make things more organized!
Jim is off golfing at one of the Country Clubs today -- he is the "sub" for a group of guys that includes our neighbor, Don, who went deep-sea fishing today with The Villages Deep Sea Fishing Club.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Craft show....Gus' new buddy.....

Well, Saturday was the annual fall craft show in The Villages. There were about 200 crafters, so they split us up between Savannah Recreation Center (where I was) and Lake Miona Recreation Center. I sold quite a few pillowcases, and "Ready-to-Sew" kits for pillowcases I didn't have time to sew! Sold most of my lace bookmarks as well.

Well, Gus has finally found the spot where he can view his buddy....he spent quite a bit of time here this afternoon....our Hibiscus bush is right outside the screen where the squirrel is, and I guess the Hibiscus blossoms taste good, as he was taking them off and eating them!!

I don't think the e-mail with the picture of part of our new bedroom set ever made it on-line. Here's the chest of drawers for the set -- we also have the dresser, headboard and two night stands. Not the LATEST style, but a lot later than the old set!!

Oh -- I found out the name of those pretty trees -- they are called Golden Raintrees. Right now they are gorgeous -- I'm going to try to get another picture that shows a lot of the red seed pods along with the yellow and green leaves...when the sun shines on them they are beautiful!! Here's one of the pictures before the seed pods really bloomed....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This week in The Villages, part 1

Just gonna post a few pictures here tonight....hope you enjoy them!

Here's a real cute golf cart.....Jim would love this one!! We saw it today when we were on our way to a meeting...sorry the one is blurry....we were both moving when I took the picture!

Here are a few others from other days here in The Villages...the red one was on a golf course, the green one was in the St. Patrick's day parade....

Here's our friend Carol, with a UPS design golf cart -- her son Scott works for UPS so she wanted him to see this!! The cart on the right is a common sight in The Villages!
Most of the dogs we see on carts share the front seat.....this one had his own special seat!
The next couple was going fishing! We have quite a few "fishing holes" here.

Have a great rest of the week!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Continuing last week in review...

Friday we sold our bedroom suite....we tried to find a dresser to match it, but haven't been able to, so we decided to sell the set and buy another used one from a lady here in The Villages. We advertised ours in the Daily Sun and had 15 calls....the first lady to look at it took it, and there was another at the door just after she handed us the money!! This was a very old set, probably from the 80's...very Florida too!!

Well, it's still not letting me add pictures...

So, anyway, we had the grandson of one of our Care Group members, and his friend, help us move the new dresser, chest of drawers, two nightstands and headboard to the house Saturday really looks quite nice, it's "washed oak."

This was also the weekend we did our POA Bulletin delivery, 3200 papers! Took us about an hour less this time, as we are learning the route.

Our friends Sam and Judy Heindel are on their way to their home in Sarasota, and Jim will be meeting them for lunch tomorrow....I have to work so won't be able to join them.

Can you believe a doctor's appointment on Sunday??? Well, Jim and I both thought we had sinus infections, and when we called this doctor, recommended by one of Jim's golfing buddies, they gave us an appointment for 1:15 today. Anyway, he thinks we have allergies -- I guess this is very common here in FL (in fact, almost every time we've come down here I've gotten what seemed like a sinus infection, so I guess he's right.) He gave us a couple of prescriptions so hopefully we'll be on the mend this week.

Let me know what's up with you, too!! For those of you not familiar with blogging, you can leave comments for me!


Last week in review

Well, another week gone by!! Still haven't got the boxes all unpacked....trying to figure out where to put all the sewing and office stuff....looking for a cabinet or something large!!

Jim and I both played in fundraising tournaments for Operation Shoebox this week on the executive courses.....18 holes on both Wednesday and Thursday, we played two courses each day. Here's my team.....left to right, Lorraine, Kay, Me and Sixta. Lorraine Harris is an author.....she has a number of published books. We had lunch together both days, and got to know each other a little, it was a fun time. The first day (we hadn 't met each other before...) Sixta and Lorraine were dressed in red and white, and Kay and I were in green and white, so we called ourselves the "Christmas" team. Haha.

We saw another of those trees I sent a picture of before....the yellow turns to red, and then they are really's another picture. We still haven't found out what they are. Does anyone know?

We had a ministry fair at church today (all the different ministries had a table where we could go to find out what they do, and to volunteer to help). A number of our friends from our small group were staffing tables....

Here is Jim with our friend Dick -- his wife is in charge of all the food events at the church, so she had him at a table with the coffee pots!! He and Beth have a Gold Wing and love to ride! Beth is the lady in the next picture...

Our church is part of LOVE INC (Love in the name of Christ) here in our area. LOVE INC was started by a man from Holland MI -- he attended a seminar I facilitated back in the 80's for people who wanted to start their own consulting business....he got LOVE INC going, then it was taken over by WORLD VISION, it's all over the country now! Anyway, our friend Tammi is in charge of the LOVE INC ministry to single moms, and I've helped with baby showers for a couple of young women in a shelter in Belleview. Sort of like Hannah's House in Lansing.
Here's Tammi.....her husband, Mike, is the overall manager of the service department of a very large auto dealership in Leesburg.

Hmmm....doesn't want to let me add anymore pictures....will add another blog after this one.