Monday, November 10, 2008

For Aaron, Jon & Jared, grandpa's projects, plus more!

Well, Aaron, Jon and Jared, do you remember this day in The Villages? In the picture of Aaron with the golf club, look across the water -- see a golf cart on the path, to the left of the fountain of water? Well, that's about where I stood when I took the picture you'll see below. The spot where we fed the buffalo is where they are building a huge apartment building, and the birds are sitting on what used to be one of the platforms you aimed for with your golf balls!! The buffalo are no longer in The Villages....the developer is using the land to continue the building program.

Here's a picture I took a couple of weeks ago, about in the same spot as the cart in the picture of Aaron...the buffalo used to graze where the building is going up, and you shot your golf balls from where you can see the wall on the far side of the pond.

Well, Jim is really getting organized!! He is so proud of his file drawer I just had to take a picture and show you!! He is using the antique desk that was mine when I was a kid, it has a special place of honor in the living room!

He also has put a nice border of stones around the new heat pump (this is the unit that works both the heat and air conditioning for the house -- we had to buy a new one when we got down here in August -- what a bummer for the budget!). This will protect it from the lawn mowers and keep the weeds down....he did a great job!

Time for the nature report :-)
They have used a lot of this pretty grass to landscape the areas around the golf cart tunnels. Some of it is REALLY purple and gorgeous!

That's enough for today!!


Anonymous said...

hi grams.
i figured out how to leave video posts on facebook but not on your blog, so check facebook.
maybe when i see jared, we can post on your wall together?
haha you'll have to check at the end of the weekend to see if we follow through...
love you lots!

Anonymous said...

check your facebook!!!

love, courtney and jared