Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keeping in touch.....

Wow, did we have a harvest moon on Wednesday night! It really lit up the sky! If you look closely, underneath the moon (peeking between the branches of our live oak tree) you can see our neighbor's big truck. Was just waiting for ghosts and goblins to appear! Haha.

Well, some Villagers really go all out for Halloween. I wonder what they'd have for us if we went trick-or-treating on halloween night!! Note the big guy in the tree! They have him spot-lighted at night and he looks pretty mean!

Okay, I promised more pictures of the Golden Raintree....well, this is the final stage, when the yellow parts turn to red seed pods.

This one still had a little yellow in it....they were most beautiful when there was a lot of all three colors, green, yellow, and pink.

We pass this one when we're on our way to the cart has been fun to watch it in its different stages.
Well, this morning I made our reservations on Spirit Air to fly home for a couple of weeks at Christmastime. We will arrive in Detroit at supper time on Tuesday, December 16th. Tom will pick us up, and we may be able to have the use of their car while we're home, as they may be spending Christmas in Florida. We would appreciate any input from you as to when it would be best to spend time with you......gosh, we have six families to visit (Hamilton's, Hulyk's, Bergman's, Bryant's, Little's, and Hanson's), all in different cities, plus friends, so we will have to figure out the best way to do it!! And pray for good driving weather.
We will ride back with Glenn and Ilene in their motor home -- they have their lot (at Recreation Plantation RV Park close to The Villages) reserved from Jan. 1 to March 31. We're looking forward to that, it will be fun!! I've never traveled in a motor home, so it will be a new experience!
I've been really depressed about getting all my sewing and office stuff organized and in place! I haven't even set up the machine(s) yet. But yesterday I bought a small chest of drawers that will help alot, and today I have my energy and determination back, as I'm arranging the closet and chest to make things more organized!
Jim is off golfing at one of the Country Clubs today -- he is the "sub" for a group of guys that includes our neighbor, Don, who went deep-sea fishing today with The Villages Deep Sea Fishing Club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad your coming home for Christmas!!!!